2001 Pontiac Grand Am
Pontiac grand am 2001 no start. Car ran fine turned off would not restart. Sat for a few days and then had the mechanic look at it. It would start but would not stay started or running. The mechanic said he thought it was the fuel pump regulator or fuel injector. So we had it towed to a shop and where told it was the battery. But the battery was only 4 months old. They said it could be a dead cell in the battery or it was our computer system. I am wondering if the battery was bad and we tried multiple times to start it if this could cause the security issue, they said if it happens again to take it to the dealership.
Comments for Pontiac grand am 2001 no start
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Jan 17, 2013Rating

no start GP by: Anonymous Oh my,These problems sound all to familiar. Only just yesterday, had it to the mechanic and He replaced the fuel pump. I hope it starts today!
Jun 24, 2012Rating

I HAD THIS PROBLEM by: Anonymous I had the same problem for years with mine. It is likely an issue with the ignition and the security system of the car, that’s what was wrong with mine. The car thinks you are trying to steal it, there is a problem with the key/ignition system. Replacing the ignition will fix it for a time, but its costly. If you leave the key in the ignition for about 20 min it may allow you to start it.
Sep 28, 2010Rating

security system causing no start by: Anonymous After getting such a wide range of possible causes from the 2 different mechanics it would seem wise to head for a GM dealer where they are more familiar with the car and it’s inherent problems. What did catch my attention was when you mentioned a security issue. My nephew had a no start on his 2001 grand Am and it was a problem with the factory installed security system. I believe he had the ignition switch replaced and has not had a problem since the repair. Hard to believe that a 4 month old battery is the cause of your security issue but the problem may be in the GM factory installed security system itself.