Paper auto repair manuals are becoming a thing of the past. You can confirm this fact with any well equipped auto repair shop. Why buy paper books from the part store when you can get the same targeted information that professional mechanics use online.
You’re one step away from having the power to fix it right the first time. Stop guessing at the problem and diagnose it with proven methods. This is an auto repair service manual that is less expensive and more useful. It’s the Factory information supplied to Dealership mechanics, but it also provides additional support designed to help do it yourself technicians.
You can kick the tires and buy it right now. But if you stick around I can tell you a few things about the program they will not. Learn about it by reading this short page. Then watch the auto repair video below. See for yourself how to use it on a real world common car problem. Then decide if it’s right for you.
Repair Advice the Modern Way

My name is Mark I’m a Certified Master Technician and an auto repair expert with 30 years of front line wrench turning experience. I will never go back to using paper repair diagrams.
I have used many online programs that replaced the printed service manual. Choices abound when shopping for online service manuals. You want to fix cars instead of searching for reference materials. Unfortunately, differences exist between major brands.
The depth of information the database contains can make it hard to find the exact stuff you are looking for. This makes the interface a key component of the program. Being able to grab information fast is extremely important.
Use the Computer to Find Auto repair Information
With a PC based repair manual the navigation is straight forward and user friendly. A handy search function is part of the windows and MAC file explorer systems. And it works just like a search engine to help you quickly find the schematics you need.

Browse through printable factory supplied wiring diagrams, step by step troubleshooting guides, fluid capacity specifications, bolt torque, tightening patterns and much more. Component location diagrams are also provided that can pinpoint where parts are located for that specific year and model.
Another useful feature is being able to print repair diagrams and take them to the driveway. This can reduce vehicle down time. The interface also has embedded short cuts to technical service procedures and additional diagnostic information is often included right from the main menu for the chosen automobile.
Technical Service Bulletins, or TSB’s are notifications from car-makers and manufacturers to dealership level technicians. This provides the latest information on repeat failures, updated diagnostic procedures, repair trends and specific solutions for known problems.
Watch a 4 minute video showing you how to find and then use these downloadable PDF service and repair manuals.
Professional Grade Automotive Diagnostic and Repair Information.
Service Manuals Save Time
Using modern repair diagrams from online programs can simplify the troubleshooting procedure. For people that want to work on their own automobiles you can get professional results at home.
Share this page with friends or give it a bookmark. Comeback to read more articles and watch the other short videos below on how to fix cars with these online troubleshooters. Just like any sport practice builds skills and confidence thereby improving results.
As a Mechanic I can state that common problems on a specific vehicles are likely found on many of the same type or models. If you’ve got a misfire on a Ford F150 pickup truck and find a service bulletin for it, you most likely found the problem.
These programs can cost a lot to rent on a monthly basis for commercial use. But for single vehicle personal use they offer a web-based system that can be accessed by the public for a one time payment usually under $20. It’s a one time payment and not automatically renewed.
Automobile wire schematics are a strong feature of downloadable PDF manuals. Let me show you how to use them to solve car electrical problems. This video is on my newest site. Learn the method I use to diagnose and repair complex electrical circuits with automotive wiring diagrams.
Auto Repair Information Articles

Not all of the models you can subscribe too provide the same amount of information. Here is why and the reason you may be happier with the online version of the Chevrolet factory service manual.
Whether you decide to buy an old fashioned paper book or download the latest PDF manual for a Ford Explorer, using them for the first time can be frustrating. Here are some basic tips for using any kind of service manual.
This next link takes you to a few examples of how service manuals pushed me in the right direction with specific vehicle repairs. View my page about how online programs provide valuable information.
New video highlights the recent changes in the program and answers frequently asked questions about this online automobile reference material.
Articles Supporting Diy Car Repairs
This is a quick article about using the Internet for finding car information. Not all car forums are good for you or your vehicle. Hello all Ford fans. I built a page just for you. Review these details about using these PC based programs on Ford cars and trucks.
If you are not a do-it-yourself person auto repair manuals can keep your automobile shop honest and protect you from overcharges and pricing scams. View my quick article on how to keep your shop honest by knowing how much auto repairs cost.

If you need any support using the product or have questions on how it works I will be happy to assist you. I’ve used it for about 10 years and no my way around it. I have provided a contact form on the next page.
Also included are detailed instructions for getting real answers. I receive a lot of junk mail. The instructions for separating your good car question from all the junk ones is provided. Remember not all people can DIY even with the help of a good car manual.
This next link will take you to the homepage. You can learn more about Mark the mechanic and what else is on this car questions website.