This is where to post a car repair story you have worth telling. Why not share what you’ve learned from an experience with others that might be able to benefit from it.
This can be problems you’re dealing with currently or just sharing a bad experience you had in the past. Often others will take away valuable lessons by reading about what you have gone through. This can help them avoid falling pray to a similar situation.
Read through already submitted posts below for ideas and examples of how the process works. Also feel free to share any good stories about the car repair business. Good shops should be talked about as much or maybe even more then the bad ones!
Note: This is not the area to post technical questions. You can get one on 1 help with car problems on my other popular website YouFixCars.com. Driveway auto mechanics can get many additional answers to common questions by reviewing the page about DIY auto repairs on this site.
Site visitors will be able to read your car repair story, view uploaded pictures and post comments about your submission. No registration is required and you have the option to be notified of comments posted to the story by supplying your e-mail address. This is not a requirement but it is fun to see what other people have to say.
Give this interactive page a bookmark or share with friends. See Mark Gittelman’s Awards & ASE Certifications on Google+.
How to Post an Auto Repair Story
Enter a Title first and then your thoughts in the two boxes below. You can post up to 1000 words (the more details the better).
I recommend that you make the Title the year make and model of the vehicle or at least include the model. This will allow the search teams to index the page by specific automobile.
Good examples are below the submission boxes. People with the same make and model cars will be able to find the story by searching for their specific model.
Note: Search engines seem to ignore posts less then 200 words? Often owners of a specific automobile experience the same exact problems with repair and service of that vehicle.
Just be aware it may take several days for the page that you built to be indexed by the search engines. Remember, people love pictures and they are easy to add.
Have A Story About Car Repair?
Share it!
My Personal Car Repair Nightmares
Being in the retail auto repair business for more than 30 years provides lots of material for storytelling. Below you will find a couple of stories that stuck in my mind to the point where I had to write about them.
I have worked with a lot great mechanics! I have worked with skilled ones that were more interested in money then fixing cars. Here is a story about these shady auto service mechanics. Sometimes a repair shop will push a repair on their customers and reward sales (spiff). Here is an example of one of these auto repair services.
Most of my stories are about mechanics and things I’ve seen them do. This one is no different and about another auto mechanic I worked with.
For more information about what is covered on this automotive information website this next link will take you to the Start page for Auto-Facts.org.
Often asking questions can prevent a horror story. This next page is about just that. Go from the car repair story page to this next one to see how to ask the right auto repair questions.