Build a car website or any kind of web site that interests you. Take advantage of the free website building e-course offered on the next page and watch the 2 minute video preview below. Use your favorite subject and make money with it as a web entrepreneur.
Turn your passion and knowledge into a quality content generating machine and build profitable websites that people will love and share with friends because it provides valuable information. This car website you are on now was built using site build it. This program has a small learning curve because it shows you the right way to do things. This is well worth the time because it takes the guess work out of getting traffic to a new site.
I wanted to build a car website and failed on three attempts. I built it but I could not get any free traffic from search engines. Paying for traffic is a slippery slope with new sites. Paid traffic gets expensive.
No traffic means failure in the online world. Then a friend recommended SBI if I wanted to build profitable websites. I had my site up in about 6 days working part time. The most impressive thing to me was that the page is built automatically for you using the information that you input. No learning FTP or any other technical barriers to overcome.
SBI will not build a page that doesn’t work unless you force it too. The included “analyze it” feature shows you where to make corrections and why they are important for page ranking. This takes the guess work out of search engine optimization. When you click build it you know you have just built a web page that works.
Analyze it is adjusted when things change over at the search engines. Example the Penguin and Panda updates over the last 2 years. This allows you to take advantage of the latest techniques while your competition is still doing things that can hurt their rankings.
My desire to build profitable websites was turned into a major profit maker by using the included “monetize it” module to build affiliate products into my car pages. Now I get to help people find what they’re looking for while staying on the automotive topic.
The site build it plan is great for the newest website builder and advances all the way up to the most experienced webmaster. You chose at what level to start and also chose when to take the training wheels off. Even with the training wheels on you can build a theme based website that will blow away the competition in the search engine wars.
Try building a car website with SBI
If you need proof go to Google and type in Auto-Facts.org in the search box. My homepage built with site builder has a premium free listing like the major websites. By premium I mean the homepage is listed at the top and then some important sections of the site also have listings below the link to the homepage.
Almost every page that I generated using the site builder has been indexed and ranked. Not many sites can say this as search engines do not promise to crawl every page and often don’t. The better the structure the more pages get crawled and listed organically.
Your time is precious it is the only resource that cannot be renewed or recuperated. So protect yourself against false starts and dead ends with this fool-proof evaluation strategy. Create any kind of website but get on board now. He who hesitates has lost time and traffic. Start building your future with websites around hobbies and topics you know about!
Sbi provides a free web site building E-course if you want to learn more about this subject. At the bottom of this next page you will find the link to the e-course as promised. Also you will see two more videos (optional to watch) about what makes a good website. This next link takes you back to the automotive related news page. People that are into cars might find some interesting articles to browse.
The about us page has more about this car mechanic and his automotive authority site. Next link takes you to the Auto-Facts.org homepage.
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